1999 Experimental website
Commissioned by the Institute of International Visual Arts (inIVA) for X-Space, their experimental web space. Produced by Joanne Moore.
I have only recently become involved with new technology and am very excited by its artistic potential. I have started to familiarise myself with the debates around new technology and with computers in general. I have basic computer skills and am in the process of teaching myself how to use “Adobe Photoshop”. I would like to research into knitting and the internet as a way to explore and communicate my fascination with the process of knitting and knitted structures. There are many similarities between knitting and the internet. They are both physically solitary processes. Both are making sense of, translating and communicating information. Computer programs consist of long sequences of instructions that individually are very simple, so does knitting. Both can produce extremely complicated results. Computers and knitting patterns use grids, with coloured squares to relay visual information. With both mediums it is easy to “undo” or “unravel” your work. However knitting is an “everyday skill” of the past with social and cultural associations whereas computers and the internet are an “everyday skill” of the future which cross social, cultural and geographical boundaries. I would like to culminate my research in a web site which is controlled by the user and results in the production of a knitted structure – virtual knitting.
(Statement taken from application to inIVA for X-Space commission, 1999)